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  • Writer's pictureM.L. Bull

8 Helpful Tips for Beginner Writers

Updated: May 24's a creative art and adventurous pursuit, but it also can be challenging, and especially if you're someone who's just starting out with the literary craft. In my opinion, being a writer is one of the best professions that one can be, even though it may not always be looked at as an occupation because of the time it takes to build up a successful career. Nonetheless, it's a special job that allows you to create a legacy long after you're gone and impact the world with the powerful use of your words. In the beginning, GOD Himself used speech and language to bring the non-existent into existence when He created the world and mankind, and by using their imagination, writers likewise can do the same.

As Margaret Atwood quoted...


"A word after a word after a word is power."

Words have the ability to change people's mindsets and influence them whether positively or negatively. It's this reason why writers, authors, and journalists over the years have been able to resolve social problems and create changes within governmental laws and society during and throughout the history and eras of literature.

A woman's hands on green typewriter


So, you wanna be a writer? Congratulations and best wishes! 😁But something important you should keep in mind as a writer is that writing is a continuous journey that can never truly be perfected. It's an artistic craft that's more about progression and creativity than reaching and achieving milestones. Of course, publishing a book is a huge milestone for writers, but specifically with writing, it's a never-ending learning process.

Ernest Hemingway put it this way:


"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master."

When we sit in a chair at a desk and look at the blinking cursor of our computer document or the first blank page in a new notebook, it can be a daunting experience due to the curse of perfectionism or the uninvited guest of Writer's Block barging through the door of your mind, and especially when starting your first written work. You may think, what should I write? Or how should I start this story? Then before you know it, you're editing and hitting the delete button on your keyboard more times than you can count, or you've got a whole wastebasket filled with crumbled up balls of paper. Perhaps you're someone who doesn't know where to begin. If this is you, check out my 8 helpful tips for beginner writers listed below. 👍🏽📋


📚 1. READ

A woman reading a book

Although some writers read more than others, reading is crucial for everyone. If you want to be a writer, it's important that you take time out to read several different things, including articles, newspapers, and books in the specific genre you want to write. Writing reference books about the mechanics of story writing (characters, settings, theme, plot, outlining, point-of-view, etc.) to study the craft of writing and articles and blogs on publishing and marketing are also good for writers to read to know the differences between self-publishing and traditional publishing and the methods of book marketing they can take to promote their work, especially those who intend on becoming published authors. One website I like is, a site where people can read free classic short stories and books of literature, famous speeches, and other well-known pieces.



You know what people say, "Practice makes perfect." If you're a beginner writer, it's a good idea to schedule your writing time and stick to a routine each day, especially if you're a writer who works on the side or is a stay-at-home mom or other guardian. Don't know what to write about? Consider setting a timer and allowing yourself to free-write by using fun writing exercises or writing prompts. You can also record your word counts per day to track your progress. If you get inspired away from home, carry a notebook with you or use a writing app to record your notes and ideas. A good writing app I use on my phone is Writer Plus (Write on the Go), which you can get from the Google Play store. In this app, you can write your notes and organize them into folders.



A group of writers talking together

Being a beginner writer can be a lonely venture. Years ago, when I first started out as a young girl and teenager, I remember feeling this way. Writing is something everyone isn't interested in, and especially writing fiction. But joining the writing community can be really helpful. The writing community is worldwide. There are writers all over the world from different countries and places. One simple way of joining the writing community is signing up on writing sites, such as Wattpad, Inkitt, CritiqueMatch, and Critique Circle where you can share your writing or stories, get feedback on your work, and connect with other writers. Some other community sites include NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), where writers attempt to write a 50,000-word novel in thirty days and takes place in November, and CampNaNoWriMo, a spring and summer challenge that takes place every April and July in which writers have the freedom to set their own word count goals.

💡Tip #1: CREATE AN ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM. Although some writers may object or not be comfortable with this, another way of connecting with writers in the writing community is by having at least one or more social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, or Twitter ("X"). You don't have to be on all of them, (and trust me, I don't advise that), but choose whichever one or ones you like and are comfortable with the most. Preferably, I like Twitter ("X") because it's a calmer environment, there's a large writing community already there, users have less or no issues with unexpected shutdowns, and it's easier to find fellow writers and editors based on specific hashtags they use, such as #WritingCommunity, #AuthorsOfTwitter, #amwriting, #amediting, #writerlife, and #writingtips.



If you want to really improve as a writer, take online or in-person courses to improve your skills in writing, publishing, and marketing your books. Some courses are free and others you'll have to pay for, but the information you obtain will be worth every penny. Five free self-publishing courses you could take and that I took are from the IngramSpark Academy, which include classes on how to build an author platform, how to increase book sales using your metadata, social media marketing, how to publish books, and how to design your books. Author media is another good site and an alternative to Facebook, specifically for authors where writers can take online courses on building an author website, growing your email list, having a successful book launch, working your way up to becoming a best-selling author; and other things too, such as connecting with other fellow authors and celebrating your and other authors' achievements.

Authormedia logo

If you're a Christian writer or fiction author, you may find it helpful to take courses through the Christian Writers Institute. I took their business plan and tax business for authors courses and found them both helpful, as published authors typically have a business after they have published their books.

Christian Writers Institute logo

💡Tip #2: TAKE INGRAMSPARK COURSES BEFORE PUBLISHING WITH THEM. If you would like to publish through IngramSpark, it might be better that you take their free courses before going through with the self-publishing process with your first book. It'll give you insight on not only self-publishing, but also the business of bookselling, the best times to publish your particular genre, techniques on book marketing, and much more to prepare you before you release your book.



My Author Website

Starting to build your author platform before publication can be very helpful and allow you to make yourself known to the public as a writer or author. There are various ways and things associated with building your author platform, including creating your author branding, having an author website, and social media and email marketing. Your author brand includes your author photo, choosing colors, writing mottos, your book genre, author website, and other images and things associated with you, which will help people identify you and build trust in your readers.


When it comes to building your author platform, there are several different methods and techniques you can do. Some authors use social media, some use email marketing, and others use a combination of the two. All authors don't do the same things, so it's important that you choose what you are most comfortable with and your own preferences. Don't feel as though you have to be on every social media platform to be successful because you don't. What matters isn't necessarily how many social media platforms you use or what methods you choose, but how well you use them. As you can see, above is my author website that I build from scratch. First, I made a simple sketch and then I created a website planner of my colors, fonts, images, and menu pages. You can see my tutorials of how to brainstorm for and build your author website from scratch on Wix's web provider in the videos linked here:



This one is extremely important; at least, if your aim is to become a published author. One mistake that some beginner writers make is saying their writing or books are for everybody. But the truth is, they're not. Everyone isn't your ideal reader. Ideal readers are more likely to buy your books, finish your book, give you reviews, and be excited for your next book release. Family or friends may buy it, but then put it on the shelf to collect dust and never completely finish it. Everyone's schedule is different and do different things as well. When it comes to authors, reviews are more important than sales because reviews help draw interest and increase more sales for published authors. That's why it's important for them to have avid readers who want to read their books, and not just people who buy their books to do them a favor or get something in return.

💡Tip #4: TARGET CHRISTIAN INDEPENDENT BOOKSTORES. Are you a Christian writer or Christian fiction author? If so, consider selling your books in local Christian bookstores to target and find your ideal readers as avid Christian and religious readers of different ages come to these kinds of stores anyway.



DNA molecule

One of the most important pieces of advice I could give to beginner writers is to be original.

Some beginner writers feel like they have to copy famous, well-known authors to become successful published authors, but just because an author wrote a book or novel that became a bestseller doesn't mean if you write the exact same book you'll be successful too. Hence, don't copy another author's writing style, or feel as though you have to do the same things as another writer in order to be successful. If there's anything I've learned during my writing journey, it's that not everything other writers do works for you. It's okay to get inspired by other writers, but at the end of the day, you have to figure out what works best for you. Some writers are discovery writers, and others pre-write or outline their books.

Identify your learning style, strengths, and weaknesses and create your own toolbox and combination of techniques by experimenting with different methods or creating your own. Maybe you're a visual learner. If so, perhaps you'd find it helpful to outline your scenes for example before you actually write your story. Or maybe you're an audible learner. If so, consider listening to writing podcasts. Or maybe you learn best by seeing and doing at the same time. In this case, you might find it helpful to watch videos about writing tips or tutorials. There are many authors and writers on YouTube that discuss various different writing subjects, as well as the crucial processes of publishing and marketing. Nonetheless, however you best intake information, always be yourself and write the books and stories that you feel called to write and want to read.




As Benjamin Franklin said:


"Comparison is the thief of all joy."

We live in a very competitive world where people are always trying to be better than the other. However, comparison will only make you feel inferior and insecure within yourself. Getting pulled into the rat race of competition also takes the fun away from writing when you're solely focused on what another writer is doing instead of your own writing journey, and it may even discourage you and make you want to quit if you're a beginner writer just starting out. If you're a beginner writer, don't compare your first chapter to a best-selling author's twentieth novel. This is an imbalance; not to mention, you're putting too much pressure on yourself. Constantly comparing yourself to other writers will only bring up negative emotions and chronic insecurities that leave you feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, and inadequate.

As Zain Asher said in her TEDTalk:


" Trust your struggle. Turn a blind eye to competition."

Move at your own pace and stop trying to keep up with or mimic a writer who's already been in the book industry for years before you. Finally, keep in mind that even some best-selling authors still deal with some insecurities. Being a traditionally published author has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. After sending out countless queries to be selected by a literary agent, they also have the pressure of expectations on their shoulders after creating a high reputation from numerous bestselling books. Personally, I enjoy the freedom of self-publishing, not to mention you get to keep all or the majority of your royalties. 😊



A man typing on typewriter

Just as life, writing isn't a walk in the park, but it takes hard work, patience, perseverance, and dedication. To become a successful writer, you have to really want to do it; otherwise, you may throw in the towel when times get tough or harder. As a beginner writer, you will have good writing days and you will have bad writing days too. That's just a part of the process, but the true writers at heart will follow their passion and never give up. Keep focused and turn a deaf ear to those who doubt you and your abilities to succeed and never let anyone hinder or limit you from reaching your full potential.

Encourage yourself and speak life.

As its quoted in Proverbs 18:21:


"Death and life are in the power of the tongue..."

Whatever you believe, that's what will likely befall you. Your mental approach toward your writing is what can determine what you get out of it. Stay positive, dream big, and have fun, and when you fall downhill, remember failures or setbacks are steppingstones to success, so keep moving toward your writing dreams. That's it for this latest post. (If by chance you found it helpful, please give it a (heart❤️) and share your thoughts, advice for beginner writers, or comments 💬 below.)

Happy Writing! 😊✍🏽💻

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