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  • Writer's pictureM.L. Bull

The Brainstorm: Tips, Tricks, and Out-of-the-box ideas for Fiction Writers

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

Hello and welcome to my new writing blog called "The Brainstorm." So, what is this particular blog about? This blog is all about the writerly things for independent authors, aspiring and beginner writers, and all other types of fiction writers who what to learn more or need help getting those creative juices flowing.

A light bulb in hand

If you ever need some inspiration for your story whether that's tips about creating realistic characters, building beautiful settings, or planning a compelling plot that will keep your readers engaged, you can stop by and come to this place, The Brainstorm: Tips, Tricks, and Out-of-the-box ideas for Fiction Writers. No, don't get me wrong. I'm not an expert in the craft of writing. However, I've been researching, studying, and practicing writing for some time, so I do know a considerable amount about it and how to enhance one's creativity. From personal experience, I'm also a published author, and let me tell you, there's a whole lot to the author business, including creating a budget, publishing, marketing, and much more.

During my very first book release, I made some mistakes, which honestly, is typical for most first-time indie authors. Nonetheless, if you want to know what some things are to avoid, stick around for future posts and updates! Most beginner authors don't see themselves as owning a business, but the moment they publish their first book; in essence, they have become a business owner. This is why if you plan to self-publish it's a good idea to create a publishing business name before publication. You can do this through your local register of deeds or secretary of state and form whichever business entity you want whether sole proprietorship or an LLC.


💡Tip: DO NOT REGISTER IN A DIFFERNT STATE FROM YOUR RESIDENCE. This will only make things more difficult for you in the long run.

Mine is called Risen Halo Publishing shown below:

publishing company imprint
My publishing imprint & slogan

An easy way to create your publishing company imprint logo is by Canva or another site called Both of these I've used myself, as the following picture is the remake of my original design I had made on Canva. You can also give your publishing company a slogan that your particular fiction represents. Keep in mind to be as direct as possible and that it matches the genre you write.

Being a Christian fiction author, my slogan is "Faith-based fiction. Redemption stories. Life Lessons." My Christian fiction novels revolves around redemption stories about real-life situations and characters who create or experience drastic changes in their lives. The purpose of my stories is also to be a positive impact on my readers as well. Hence, not only having them entertained, but also them being encouraged, inspired, and learn something valuable from my books.

A young man thinking with question marks



So, exactly what subjects will be discussed in this blog?

Well, I'll be writing and sharing about various things, including different ways to get inspiration for your stories, topics of characterization, worldbuilding, settings, plotting and outlining, publishing and marketing, story elements and literary devices, professional and self-editing, cool writing apps and tools, some of my own personal out-of-the-box ideas, and other writerly tips, tricks, and much more!

Sound interesting? If yes, give this post a like (heart ❤️️) comment below what ways your like to brainstorm or outline (💬), and stay tuned for new posts and future updates as I have many fun things in store.

🤔Writers, do you brainstorm and outline before writing your novels or books?

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