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Coming Soon!


A Christian Historical Fiction Novel

THE PACT OF FREEDOM: Characters From the Story

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Fun & Games


One slavemaster's daughter . . . One intriguing violinist . . . One chance of a lifetime . . .

In July of 1852, almost two years since the Compromise of 1850, Mildred "Millie" Crabtree is the friendly daughter of the mean-spirited, plantation owner Master Wade Crabtree. Having opposing views on slavery and seeing it as a sin against God, she dreams of leaving the horrors of the South and becoming a children's literature author in the North. During her eighteenth birthday, she encounters Noah Shepherd, a vibrant, redhead violinist who plays classical music during the celebration with two other musicians. Her Mama, Missus Charlotte, dies suddenly at the party.

Now she's forced against her will to fulfill her mother's role as missus in Crabtree mansion and sever ties with her closest friend Pearl, a mulatto house slave. Conditions worsen when she learns her Papa is in debt, plans to sell some of his slaves, and has exchanged her into an arranged marriage to the young, arrogant Chauncey McMillian, the wealthiest plantation owner in town. But after discovering Noah and his musical comrades are secretly abolitionists, things look up and Millie and her slave friends embark on a risky, adventurous chance of a lifetime:

A journey to the Promised Land.

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